Tag Archives: herpes face

Genital Herpes Face Cream – A Natural Cure For Herpes

One of the first symptoms that comes up after a person is infected with the Herpes virus is the manifestation of genital sores known as lesions or blisters. These sores may be pink to yellow in color or the size of a pea, and they are caused by the presence of a viral infection known as “human papillomavirus” or HPV. This is also the same virus that causes common warts or bumps to grow on the outside of the body. These sores often look like small pimple like bumps, and most people confuse them with facial blisters caused by the common cold.

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These viruses enter the body through various means. Some people can come into contact with the Herpes virus through various kinds of skin contact such as touching an open sore, or having intercourse with an infected person. When the Herpes virus enters the body through any kind of contact with these kinds of areas, it is called a case of “sensitization.” Once you have been infected, it is possible that you could develop small blisters on your genitals or your mouth. There are ways to get rid of these herpes blisters, and one of those ways is through herbal remedies.

Herbal remedies for herpes face treatments have been around for a long time. In fact, they have been used for treatment of other types of ailments for centuries. The primary ingredient of many herbal remedies for herpes is called “rituals.” This word originally meant “order” but has now been modified to mean “ritual” or “trick.” Herbal remedies work because they attack the virus at the molecular level.

Basically, these antiviral medications interfere with the viral DNA so that the virus cannot reproduce itself. In addition to these medicines, your doctor may recommend that you use an oral form of antiviral medication called valacyclovir (the same as the antiviral drug known as Dovonex). These two forms of antiviral drugs are taken in conjunction. In clinical trials, both types of medication have proven fairly effective at preventing herpes outbreaks.

The problem with using herbal remedies for herpes face cream is that there are no proven dosage levels. Therefore, if you start taking a higher dosage and suddenly experience an outbreak, you could experience more herpes outbreaks. Also, even though some people may experience relief from herpes outbreaks while on a course of treatment, others may experience relief only to find that they are once again experiencing herpes outbreaks after stopping the treatment. There is no regulating standard dosage for treating herpes. So you can expect that if you take a higher dosage, you may experience more herpes outbreaks or that you will experience relief from herpes outbreaks after stopping the treatment.

Fortunately, you can use the benefits of this type of remedy to your advantage. You can begin by making sure that you eat plenty of foods rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries and dark cherries. You can also increase the amount of vitamin C that you consume by taking supplements that contain this powerful antioxidant. By combining antiviral medications with these other natural remedies, you can stop the herpes virus and enjoy a healthy, proactive way of life for years to come.